Analysis of a New Multispecies Tumor Growth Model Coupling 3D Phase-Fields With a 1D Vascular Network


In this work, we present and analyze a mathematical model for tumor growth incorporating ECM erosion, interstitial flow, and the effect of vascular flow and nutrient transport. The model is of phase-field or diffused-interface type in which multiple phases of cell species and other constituents are separated by smooth evolving interfaces. The model involves a mesoscale version of Darcy’s law to capture the flow mechanism in the tissue matrix. Modeling flow and transport processes in the vasculature supplying the healthy and cancerous tissue, one-dimensional (1D) equations are considered. Since the models governing the transport and flow processes are defined together with cell species models on a three-dimensional (3D) domain, we obtain a 3D–1D coupled model.

Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
Prashant K. Jha
Prashant K. Jha
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Our group uses mechanics, applied mathematics, and computational science to understand and represent the complex behavior of materials, e.g., functional soft materials and granular materials.